Find Madness

Monday, November 14, 2011

time to get serious! >:[

that is my serious face.


actually that's my angry face, but i'm going to use it for serious anyway.

i feel like i've been acting weird with certain people lately. or at certain moments. i seem to be very passive and in an eager-to-please mentality to the point where i find myself apologizing for nothing and being extremely submissive. and i don't know what triggered that attitude from me, but frankly, i'm tired of it. it was one of those moments where you confront yourself and say "hey, uh, excuse me, but what the HELL do you think you're doing? grow some backbone you pansy! BE A MAN!"

okay, well, a woman. cause i'm not a man. not even a little bit >__<.

but i digress. the point im trying to make is that i am going to be more assertive, self-assure, and just a tad bit selfish. don't get me wrong, i have no intention of yeilding my generous nature, because i love doing things for other people. but i'm going to do more focusing on myself and my education. i purchased a large calendar and much better planner to help myself be organized (because let's face it, that's not my strong suit x___x). i'm going to work hard on my studies, my new part-time job, and my personal projects. i'm going to just worry about me for a while.

that being said, here's^ a Cure Rhythm drawing i'm working on. nearly done except for the rest of the fairy tones. cute little buggers, aren't they?

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